Computational and Cognitive Neuroscience MsC
Everything that is human
Aim of the program
This programme involves different scientific fields of natural sciences, technological sciences, and humanities as well. The focus of investigations is on the phenomena of cognition - perception, attention, memory, reasoning, thinking, and behaviour - from an interdisciplinary perspective: Anthropology, Artificial Intelligence, Biology, Linguistics, Neuroscience, Philosophy, and Psychology have contributed to its development as core disciplines. The relevance of such an approach gains support from the constant need of building a knowledge-based society.
Strengths of the program
- strong interdisciplinary focus
- opportunities to participate in international research projects
- professional preparedness
- administrative capacity to help facilitate student life
Facts & Figures
Duration of the program: 2 years (4 semesters)
Credit number: 120 ECTS
Type: master, full-time
Language: English
Tuition fee: 2100 EUR/semester
Degree: Computational and Cognitive Scientist
Check our infographic about the application procedure!
Entry requirements
Full acknowledgement is given for the following degrees:
- a Bachelor’s degree in: Psychology, Computer Engineering, Software Engineering, Biology, Liberal Arts: Philosophy Specialisation;
- college degrees (as according to the Hungarian higher education system before 2006): Psychology, Information Technology, Computer Programmer Mathematician, Teacher of Computer Science, Teacher of Biology, Biology Laboratory Operator;
- university degrees (as according to the Hungarian higher education system before 2006): Psychology, Information Technology, Computer Programmer Mathematician, Teacher of Informatics, Applied Plant Biology, Applied Zoology, Biophysics, Biology, Molecular Biology, Teacher of Biology, Aesthetics; Ethics, Anthropology and Social Studies, Philosophy.
If you have any of the degrees listed above or you are going to obtain a degree by the time of the results announcement, you do not have to do anything else but send a copy of the degree certificate (hereinafter diploma).
Please note that the degrees described above as well as the full acknowledgement are only for degrees obtained in Hungary. If your degree was obtained outside Hungary, it must be submitted for evaluation (see below). However, the above list will give you an idea of what degrees can be accepted.
Conditionally accepted Bachelor’s degrees which will be considered in the first place:
- Liberal Arts: Communications and Media Studies, Business Information Technology, Applied Economics, Economic Analysis, Hungarian Linguistics and Literature: Language Technology specialisation and Theoretical Linguistics specialisation, Pedagogy,
- Biochemical Engineering, Chemical Engineering, Architecture, Civil Engineering, Mechanical Engineer, Mechatronics Engineering, Electrical Engineer, Economist in Business Administration and Management, Technical Manager, Mathematics,
- Communication and Media Science, Economist in Economic and Financial Mathematical Analysis.
In the case of these degrees they must fulfil the following credit requirements: at least 30 credits (ECTS) which can be recognized from the earlier studies in at least three of the following fields: mathematics, statistics; informatics; epistemology; logic; linguistics; physiology and anatomy. (Besides the degrees listed above, any other degree can be accepted if it fulfils the 30 ECTS requirement.)
The requirement, i. e. the existence of the credits listed above is established through a preliminary examination of the credits which must be initiated by the applicant in the form of a free-text request.
If the applicant is taking their final examination during the current semester, and their degree certificate (diploma) is not issued before the last application deadline, a certification is required issued by the institution, which verifies that the applicant will presumably receive a degree at a specific date. In case of being accepted as a student, however, the applicant must present the diploma upon enrolment at the latest.
The language of instruction for the entire programme is English, so a very good command of English is required during the oral entrance exam and throughout the whole programme. The language knowledge is assessed and evaluated during the interview.
The educational and outcome requirements are defined by the Ministry of Human Capacities (Regulation No. 18/2016. (VIII. 5.)). The details of the application and admission process are defined by the Organisational and Operational Regulations of ELTE.
Application package
The application starts on the online application system. Students need to register in the system, fill in the online application form, upload the required documents and follow the instructions during the application process.
Students must upload all the required documents in the online application system, and after adding all the required documents, submit it.
APPLY NOWList of application documents
Following documents need to be submitted in the online application system:
- degree certificate (sealed, signed and dated diploma)
- transcript of records (sealed, signed and dated diploma)
- an official English translation of the certificates and the records, all sealed, signed and dated
- The translation is needed only if the language of the original is not English. It can be a translation from the university, too.
- a reference work (The reference work can be any work which you wrote within the field of psychology, linguistics OR cognitive science (research paper, seminar paper, research report, published article, poster, study etc.). You can also write a new paper for the current application, which can be an improved version of an earlier work. If the work has been published or has been presented during your studies, please indicate on the paper where it was published or within what context it was written and presented. The maximum length should be 15 pages (without the appendices, and there are no requirements for form). If the work was co-authored, you must indicate their participation in the paper in percent (%). The reference work must be in English.)
- motivation letter: The letter should contain approximately 2000 characters. You should explain your experiences and ideas, how you met the field of cognitive science, why you thought it would be suitable for you, what your aim is with the MSc degree, how you would imagine your career, which area you are interested in and what further studies you might plan. Please, be always specific and try to connect your own ideas and experience to what we can offer you through our programme.
- main pages of the passport
- proof of transfer of the application fee - 120 EUR (non-refundable)
- proof of transfer of the entrance exam fee - 120 EUR (non-refundable)
The application and the entrance exam fee can be paid separately or in one amount as well.
The application and the entrance exam fee should be transferred to the following account:
- Name of Bank: Magyar Államkincstár (Hungarian State Treasury)
- Address of Bank: Budapest, Váci út 71, Hungary – 1139
- Holder of the account: Eötvös Loránd Tudományegyetem
- Account No.: 10032000-01426201-00000000
- IBAN Number: HU03 1003 2000 0142 6201 0000 0000
On the transfer order please put down your full name and “AB01 B102 AB1P17/09”!
Application deadline

Procedure of the entrance examination
The oral examination is an interview with the applicant in English about their professional background, scientific interests, and professional plans.
The entrance exam can be taken in person or via Teams (you do not need to download the app).
Please find more information about the curriculum and the course descriptions HERE.
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- Are you interested in scholarships? Good idea -- Click here!
- Perfect choice: Stipendium Hungaricum Scholarship Programme, Scholarship Programme for Christian Young People, or Hungarian Diaspora Scholarship.